Thursday, October 15, 2015

Vascular vs. Nonvascular Plants

I found a really neat Prezi about the differences and similarities of vascular and non-vascular plants.

Check it out! Click the pic to go to the link!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Classroom Homework Thread (October)

Greetings Fifth Graders, 

One of your classmates made a great suggestion, and that was to have an "open" blog where you could post any questions or information related to homework and projects. Remember, sometimes you can get additional information from the Everyday Mathematics Family Letters that can help. The link for those is on our class website. 

Otherwise, if you have a question, it'd be OK to post it here. Remember, your classmates may not check our blog frequently, so if you're really stuck, do what you can and we'll have time to discuss it when we go over homework the next day. :)

As with any of our blogs, your comments and responses must follow our blog guidelines. 

Happy Blogging!!!

Homework Questions: Middle and High School Math