Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Native American Cultural Regions

We've learned about the 7 major cultural regions and how these environments affected Native Americans living there. Your task is to learn a little bit more about a specific tribe.

Click this Native American Cultures Link and scroll down to the list of Native American Cultures. From there, pick one tribe and read about them. In your blog response, in addition to stating your first name,  you need to: 1. Share information about how their climate/environment impacted their lives, 2. Share an artifact they made from one of their natural resources, and 3. Compare their daily lives with your own. What's similar, what's different? - Be sure to include the name of the tribe you've chosen in your blog post.

After you've written your blog post, you will need to make helpful comments on 1 of your classmate's responses. This might be where you ask them a question, or share a connection about your two tribes.

Happy Blogging!