Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Parallel Circuits

What is the difference between the series circuits we've created and a parallel circuit? 

Monday, May 23, 2016


As authors of memoirs... the details we choose to share are critical. Can you 'step up' to the front door challenge? 

Check out how I madeover my writing. Can you describe what it's like to walk into your house? Respond with a comment. Be sure to not reveal anything private as we are online. 

I walked up to my green front door. I keyed in the code and popped it open. As usual I had my hands full, but was still happy to be greeted by Nellie when I got in. I always worry that she’ll run out, but so far this hasn’t been a problem.


I grunted as I hit the top of the stairs. As I was carrying not only my daughter, but about 15 pounds of bags, grading, purses in addition to the 22 pounds of baby. I noticed that the hook on my door was empty. I better get ready for summer I thought as I keyed in my pin code. Once inside I had to navigate myself, my 40ish pounds of cargo, and the burden of the day that was behind me. Stepping over the recycling, diaper pail, and cat litter that still needed to be taken down to the trash… I managed to get the baby put down safely while being bombarded by my lonely cat, who was happy to finally see me home after a long day. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Colonial Jobs

Here's the link!

Click through to find out more about what your family does for it's occupation here in Colonial Boston.