Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Parallel Circuits

What is the difference between the series circuits we've created and a parallel circuit? 


  1. Joel
    The difference is that if one of the light bubls in a series circuit go out, the all the lights will go out but in a parallel circuit if one bulb turns off then the rest of the bulbs will be on except that one.

  2. The difference between a circuit and a palrol circuit is that a circuit powers only one bulb but the other can power two or more.
    -Ethan H

    1. Your right!!

    2. Also The Series one once its put out the otherbulb is put out -Isaac

  3. Alex
    The difference between a parallel circuit and a series circuit is that the parallel circuit has more than one path for the electricity to flow through, while a series circuit has only one path for the electricity to flow through.

  4. @nandita
    In a parallel circuit, the chemical energy travels from two batteries to light two bulbs at the same time. The energy continues in a circle and ends up back in the battery to make a another trip to the light bulb. There are two circuits, The circuits we made only have one circuit, one battery and one bulb.

  5. @ Ria
    A parallel circuit has 2 or more light bulbs lighting up with 2 batteries. If there are two batteries, there are two light bulbs in a parallel circuit. A normal circuit usually has only one wire connecting to one side of the battery, where as a parallel circuit has two.

  6. The difference between a parallel and a regular circuit is for a normal circuit if one light bulb goes out the entire circuit will not light the other light bulb and for a parallel circuit if one bulb does not work the energy will still go to the other light bulb and the light bulb will still work even if one does not work.Grace

  7. The differences is that one light bulb is inside the series circuit if it go's out then everything in the bulb will go out and for parallel circuit if one of the bulbs are off the second one will work still.

  8. @Gwyneth
    An a parallel circuit is a electric circuit that if one light bulb is broken the other light bulb will stay on, and the electricity goes to the light bulbs at the same time. A series circuit is if 1 of the 2 light bulbs go out, both of them will go out

  9. Ian

    The difference between a circuit and a parallel circuit is that with a parallel circuit you combine 2 batteries together to make one big batteries.

  10. Jack
    the difference is that on a circuit they are all connected together do if a bulb goes out every bulb will go out but on a parallel circuit if one bulb goes out the other bulbs will stay light

    1. Christmas lights must be parallel circuits nowadays then! :)

  11. Jade
    the difference would be the one with the light balls as the one that the circuit with all of the light bulbs would not work but the rest do.

  12. The difference is that in a normal circuit if one bulb gos out the rest go out. But in a parallel circuit if a bulb gos out the rest stay on!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I agree and in a parallel circuit a open circuit might not cause the entire circuit to be open.
      -Ethan H

  13. @DAVID
    The difference between series and parallel circuit is the parallel circuit will transfer electricity out of the two batteries at the same time and reach the reach the object at the same time.

  14. @Anusha:)
    The difference between a parallel circuit and a circuit is that a parallel circuit has 2 outputs which will be reached at the same time, so if one output is damaged the other will still work perfectly. An circuit also can be one with only one seeable output.

  15. The difference between the two circuits is that when you create a parallel circuit, the energy travels at the same speed but in a series circuit, the energy from the batteries travel at different speeds through the light bulb. @Aubrey

  16. @Charlie
    A parallel circuit has two or more light bulbs , coming from two batteries. Also a parallel circuit has at least two paths. A series circuit has only one path and one light bulb.

  17. @ethanl
    because both are connected to the battery.

  18. :Daniel
    A series circuit has a wire leading from the battery to bulb 1, another leading from bulb 1 to bulb 2, and one leading from bulb 2 to the battery. However, a parallel circuit has 4 wires (Battery>Bulb 1, Battery>Bulb 2, Bulb 1>Battery, and Bulb 2>Battery.).

  19. the reason they are different is because a parallel circuit has two light bulbs with two batteries. and and circuit only has one wire connecting to one of the sides of the battery. -@lucas

  20. The difference is that in a normal series circuit the energy just flows to one light bulb. The parallel circuit has two wires and two bulbs and they have to meet the energy at the same time.In other words they have to get the energy at the same time.

  21. @Gavan
    A parallel circuit is when batteries are connected to 2 wires on each end of the outer batteries, depending on how many batteries you use, then the wires are connected to two bulbs where as a closed circuit only has one wire on both sides connected to one bulb. The purpose of a parallel circuit is that if one light goes out the other light will still get energy so therefore the other light will still be on.

  22. @ Nicholas
    the difference is that the class circuits only need two wires but a parallel circuit needs more wires and the parallel circuits need both sides to be the same so they can be parallel.

  23. it was really cool how it went!:D I like the video!<3 it was insisting! I hope we get to do it too soon! I like it because we get to learn how light work!<3 :D. Love Jennifer<3
