Sunday, August 23, 2015

Blogging Guidelines 2015-2016

Blogging Guidelines

P-4 Blog!
This year we'll conduct conversations, not only in the classroom, but online as well. Our class website will list our blog posts, often we'll respond to our blog during computer lab time. I look forward to us using technology to facilitate in the sharing  of information and ideas.

When you comment you'll do so as an anonymous user. This way there is no need to set up an account. Before you post, remember, our classroom rules apply when we interact online as well. Our guidelines for blogging are:

 1. When blogging, always use your first name only and list your name before the response. 
2. Use complete sentences following traditional spelling and grammar.
3. Stay on topic.
4. Be respectful.
5. Comments that are disrespectful, off topic, inappropriate, violate the ISD disclaimer, or that contain your full name will be permanently removed. 

SO! Try it out! If you've checked our class blog already, please post a comment. Remember, use your First name only... and share with the class what your favorite animal is and why! 

Check out my comment, that's similar to how yours should look. :)