Sunday, August 23, 2015

Blogging Guidelines 2015-2016

Blogging Guidelines

P-4 Blog!
This year we'll conduct conversations, not only in the classroom, but online as well. Our class website will list our blog posts, often we'll respond to our blog during computer lab time. I look forward to us using technology to facilitate in the sharing  of information and ideas.

When you comment you'll do so as an anonymous user. This way there is no need to set up an account. Before you post, remember, our classroom rules apply when we interact online as well. Our guidelines for blogging are:

 1. When blogging, always use your first name only and list your name before the response. 
2. Use complete sentences following traditional spelling and grammar.
3. Stay on topic.
4. Be respectful.
5. Comments that are disrespectful, off topic, inappropriate, violate the ISD disclaimer, or that contain your full name will be permanently removed. 

SO! Try it out! If you've checked our class blog already, please post a comment. Remember, use your First name only... and share with the class what your favorite animal is and why! 

Check out my comment, that's similar to how yours should look. :)


  1. Katie's Response: I would have to say my favorite animal is a cat. I have one cat named Nellie, and she is just the best pet ever. I also like big cats such as tigers, lions, and cougars. In my opinion cats are clever, playful, and cute. So they're an easy choice for my favorite animal.

  2. Ian's response: My favorite animal is the wolf. I like their color and how they run in packs. My favorite place to see them is Yellowstone National Park. My favorite fact about them is that they were reintroduced to Yellowstone in 1995 and they have changed the actual landscape.

    1. Ian, welcome to our blog! I'm glad you found it. I like your fact about Yellowstone. It has made such a difference in their ecosystem there.

  3. Joel's response: My favorite animal is the peregrine falcon. The peregrine falcon is the fastest creature on Earth. They usually catch their prey(usually pigeons) out of midair. When the peregrine spots a pigeon, it moves it's body into a dive form which is very aerodynamic in a way that it lets the wind move right around it's body. When the peregrine falcon goes into it's dive called the stoop, the falcon dives at speeds of 320 kilometers per hour! It strikes at the pigeon with it's powerful talons and the pigeon dies instantly.

    1. Hey Joel, thanks for responding. I always thought it was so neat how falcons can be trained. Your comments reminded me of something I learned last summer when I was in London. They use peregrine falcons to help control the pigeon population in Trafalgar Square, which is a popular London destination. Here's some info I found about it!

    2. I did not know that Joel

      I think I also know that they used Peregrine Falcons at a airport to scare off other birds

      I also made a summary for a story about Peregrine Falcons. Below is it.

      Akiko and ben wanted to make a project for Earth Day. They did not know what to do so Akiko said, “Let’s sleep on it.” The next day Ben saw on the news about some falcons on a 24 hour web cam in New York City. It gave him an Idea for their project at school

      Ethan H

      PS, Nice job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Yeah, Ethan, I think you're right about the airports. I think it's so cool when animals have jobs. Also, that was a quick little story... it makes me think of the previews of books you can sometimes read on Amazon.

  4. Quinn's response: My favorite animal is the Dog. I have a dog named Gracie, she is so cute. She is a beagle, and the best beagle! I also love labs, even though I do not have one. Dogs are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hunter: Cool, your dog is cute.

    2. I am a "cat person" but I have to admit, I'm starting to really like dogs. Isn't it funny that Snoopy is supposed to be a beagle.. but looks nothing like one!? Beagles are really cool dogs though. I like labs too. Mr. Woodard's family used to have one. Their first was a chocolate lab named Hershey, and later, after we graduated high school they adopted a black lab... also... named Gracie. They were both great dogs, I miss them.

  5. Daniel's response: One of my new favorites is the prairie dog. I saw them on my summer road trip, and they were so cute! I even got a stuffed one as a souvenir, at Devil's Tower, and now I can't decide whether the stuffed one or the real one is cuter. I showed him out to the other prairie dogs from the car window in the Badlands National Park. So anyway, that's why I chose the prairie dog.

    1. I think Prairie Dogs are so cool. I love how they sit up on their hind legs. When Nellie does that, we call her "Prairie Cat."

  6. Aubrey's response. My favorite animal is a pig. A facts about pigs is that their long tusks are used to help them dig and fight. Some people who own pigs cut off the tusks so the pigs don't hurt anybody with them. My favorite animal is a pig because they have really cute curly tails. Its also funny how they get really dirty when they roll in the mud. That is why i like pigs.

    1. I wonder why pigs have those curly tails. I suppose there's no bones in them? Have you ever read Charlotte's Web? I haven't read the book in a long time, but watched the movie with Barbie this summer. That's my favorite story about a pig!

  7. Hi I am Jade my favorite animal is dolphin why because my parents Tahiti so it reminds me becauseI love my parents. And because dolphin they are graceful.

    1. That's cool how your favorite animal reminds you of your parents. It's neat how things can become a symbol for someone we love. For example, sunflowers remind me of my mom. :)

  8. Elaina's Response: One of my favorite animals is an cat. I like cats because they are calm and cuddly. These cute creatures are also intelligent animals. We don't have a pet because we can't afford to have another family member when we already have six. My dad is allergic to cats so I don't get to see cats much. whenever I do get to see a cat I usually see them as shy but nice. Even though that I don't have a cat I still know a lot about cats from research and experience such as the time I was told to take care of my friend's cat for a week. I had a great time doing that. When I grow up I'm going to get a cat. I will want a small cat that I will be able to hold easily. Well the way I should really say it is I love cats.

    1. Hooray cats! I love them too! That's cool that you got to cat sit. I didn't get my first cat until I was in fifth grade. They're a pretty big responsibility, and between the food and litter, they can get expensive, but I bet you'll love having your own kitten/cat when you grow up. (Get two, then they'll have a cat friend to play with. Poor Nellie is an only cat, and sometimes I wish she had a cat friend.)

  9. Gwyneth's Response: my favorite animal is a dog. I LOVE dogs they are willing to do whatever you want them to do with them. I have a dog myself he is a Shetland Sheepdog and he is the sweetiest thing ever. One fact about my dog (Shetland sheepdog) is since it is such an agile, smart, and easy to train breed, it is also the ideal dog for flyball, agility competitions, and performing a host of tricks and stunts.

    1. I like how you included a fact about your family's dog. What's its name? I agree, Shetlands are neat. My friend Ashley had one growing up.

  10. Anusha
    My favorite animals are puppies. I see puppies as cute, cuddly, and sweet. Puppies are cool because you can teach them tricks and you can play with them. I wish I could have a puppy but my dad doesn't like puppies. When I grow up, I'd love to have a puppy! Over all puppies are awesome!

    1. My grandpa has a puppy to and her name is mady she was always ready to play

    2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      Ethan H

  11. Charlie's Response. My favorite animal is the cheetah. Why? Because they remind me of how fast I can run. Also there fur is very cool. It's cool/amazing because they have dots and they have yellow fur. Last I love the baby cheetahs because they are SO CUTE. That's why I love cheetahs. I wish I could have a cheetah pet!

  12. Nicholas's response: My favorite animal is a bluejay. I like bluejays because they are colorful, they are a good size, and they are fun to watch. My grandparents have many bird feeders and birds in there yard like a bluejay. I love looking at the bright blue backs and watching them sore through the sky. Unfortunately there are no bluejays in the Pacific Northwest so I hardly see bluejays. So in conclusion I like bluejays.

    1. Hi Nicholas. Sometimes I'll see Stellar Jays here in Washington. They have a nice blue color, but their heads are quite dark. What region/state do your grandparents live in? It's interesting how the types of flora and fauna vary throughout the United States. For example... I had never seen a lightning bug/firefly until I visited my family in Wisconsin.

  13. I like a dog because they are fun to play with and can know words.

    Ethan H

    1. Hi Ethan. It's so cool how some animals can be trained. Dogs seem to be pretty responsive, but I do have to admit.. Nellie knows a few words! She knows "snacks, outside, birdies, squirrel, settle, food, scratcher, and

    2. Hi Ethan. I agree, dogs are great animals and they are very responsive to being trained. I have to say though, that Nellie knows quite a few words. Some are: snacks, settle, outside, birdies, squirrel, scratcher, food, no, down, and her name of course.

  14. Nandita's response: My favorite animal is a cheetah. I think cheetahs are cool because they are the fastest land animal. Another reason I like them is because they are adorable when they are young, and fascinating when they get older. The last reason why I think cheetahs are the coolest animal is that they are agile and look amazing when they are running really fast because then the yellow and brown on them becomes a blur.

    1. Hi Nandita. Cheetahs seem pretty popular in P4! I like the facts that you shared, and you did a good job writing in a way that even helped me to visualize what you were saying. Now I am imagining that cheetah colored blur you mentioned!

  15. David: My favorite animal is a bald eagle. I like bald eagles because they are symbol of our country. They also represent freedom. Another reason is, they are fast, strong, and good hunters. Their white heads looks cool against their brown body. Overall, they are just cool, awesome, and amazing.

    1. Hi David. Did you know that Ben Franklin tried to make the Turkey our national bird instead of the Bald Eagle!? I think they're so majestic. I love that we see them fairly often here in the Pacific Northwest. Also, their nests are gigantic... I wish I could go up and see the inside of one. A lot of eagles live near Mr. Woodard's parents... which makes it great to watch them... but not so great when they swoop down and take one of their chickens!

  16. Hunter: My favorite animal is the cheetah because it is fast and it is cool and lives in Africa. One day, I want to visit Africa to see were a cheetah lives.

    1. Hi Hunter. It looks like Cheetahs might just be the most popular animal in P4. They are amazingly fast. Visiting Africa would be such an amazing trip. The environment there is so different, and that's why there are so many great and interesting animals there.

  17. Nathan's response: My favorite animal is a dog because they are cute and calm(sometimes). I also think that because they are nice They are also man's best friend and can learn human speech. they also have primal ancestry. They are the best!!

    1. Hi Nathan. I like how you noted that dogs are sometimes calm. I think it really depends on the breed, and even what mood the dog is in. Mr Woodard's parents have a smooth fox terrier names Ziva. Whenever we visit she is crazy hyper at first, but then calms down as she gets over her excitement.

  18. Dakota`s blog I don`t really have a favorite animal because I like a lot of different animals like dogs, cats, geckos, ferrets, hamsters, guinea pigs, bunnies, chipmunks, dear, teacup pigs, horses, dolphins, elephants, lions, fish, pandas, cows, kangaroos, kawalas and zebras.

    1. Hi Dakota. That's quite the list! It sounds like no matter where you are, you'd be able to find at least one animal you like. My friend Amanda's favorite animal is the panda.

  19. Gavan's response: My favorite animal is a cheetah. I like cheetahs because they run fast. Cheetahs can run as fast as 70 mph. I also like cheetahs because they have cool patterns on their fur. Cheetahs are also cool because they are strong animals.

    1. Hi Gavan. Isn't that cool how they can go as fast as a car!? As a matter of fact... the car Mr. Woodard drove in highschool couldn't really go above 60mph... so a cheetah would've been faster!

  20. Fantastic Responses Team! I really like how you've used evidence to explain and back up your reasons why you chose a certain animal as your favorite. :)

  21. Alex’s response: My favorite animal is a dog. I like them because they’re loving companions. For example, they know when you are sad or happy. Another reason I like dogs is because you can play with them and train them. An example is when I taught my dog to sit, and we also play fetch together. This shows that dogs are the best animal and pet anyone can have.

    1. Hey Alex, you're right. Dogs are very good at noticing and reacting to emotions. That, along with their ability to be trained, make them really great medical or therapy helpers. It's cool how some dogs have jobs. I can't think of many animals that get to work with doctors, patients, or police departments!

  22. Replies
    1. Hi Lucas, I'd love to know more about why you like dogs. Also, there are so many breeds, is there one or two in particular you like?

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Ethan L's Response: I chose two animals. A lion and a kitten. My zodiac sign is Leo, which is a lion. The reason I chose a kitten is because I have a cat of my own. My cat's name is Petunia! She is a dork.


    1. Hey Ethan, I enjoyed helping you post your response. It helped me learn more about your favorite animals. I think I mentioned it already, but my mom and brother are also Leos. My brother had a stuffed lion growing up, and it was a favorite of both of ours. :)

  25. Hi! Elaina here. I'd just like to note about class today. I loved the science and math lesson! I loved our first experiment that we did in our groups. I think that I'm going to fill in an application for an job because I like helping the class. In math I thought that our first assignment was pretty funny. I thought that most kids would notice these kids sitting down. Well its okay I make that mistake too.

    1. I'm excited to go through job applications, it'll be fun for everyone to have a role in helping our room. I'm glad you liked science, and yes, that first math assignment is usually pretty silly. (Lots of kids make that mistake!) Mistakes help us learn!!

  26. Jack's response: my favorite animal is a leopard. because they are so sneaky the can sneak up on a field mouse in corn fields. another reason the leopard is my favorite animal is because it reminds me of my cat Oliver. expect i think he's more dangerous well that's that.

    1. Leopards are cool. One of the books we'll read this year is called Big Cats, and that'll give us more info about leopards. Nellie reminds me more of a horse than a leopard... but that's because she likes to gallop when she's playing.

  27. Quinn: Hi guy's I would like to thank Mrs.Woodard! I know we will have a fun year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Best wishes Quinn :)

    1. #thx! I am going to work hard to help our class learn a lot while we also have some fun. :)

  28. Quinn: Science was lots of fun! I enjoyed what we did today!

  29. Ethan l's response
    I think its about an ordinary day because its called ordinary day

  30. Ethan l's response
    I think its about an ordinary day because its called ordinary day

  31. Elaina's response
    Hi! I have a little hint for the design an island project; draw the land forms and name them first, then create the cities and key. P.S. I love the deign an island project.

    1. Great ideas! I'm glad you're enjoying the project. :)

    2. Great ideas! I'm glad you're enjoying the project. :)

    hunter here is one place you can find facts

  33. it is a good place for your facts
    h u n t e r
