Saturday, September 5, 2015

Our First Week

Hey fifth graders,

I just wanted to say a quick Thank You for such an amazing first week. It can be so hard to get back into the groove of a new school year, but you guys and gals rocked it. Going forward we'll start to get into more of our regular routines and we will keep practicing things. I know that soon you won't need many reminders and will take care of a lot of your day independently. We're going to have an amazing year. Remember, please ask questions, take risks, don't be afraid to make mistakes. We're all learning new things every day. Even I am!

Have a great weekend... please rest... relax... get outside if you can... I'll see you all Tuesday.

Mrs. W


  1. Gwyneth; When are you going to post the pictures of us??

  2. Hmm... I don't usually post them on the blog. I will see if I can get some on the class website by the end of the month though. The BEST spot for pictures (in my opinion) is the end of the year slideshow!!!

  3. The Chinook tribe mostly ate salmon. They traveled in dugout canoes. They did tattoos and were good traders. The Chinook lived plank houses and if it was cold enough, they built then lived in igloos. They fought with spheres, war clubs, and bows & arrows.
